Living in synergy with the seasons is a traditional Chinese practice for longevity. In the Chinese system Winter is inactive, slow, cold and damp. It’s the season of slowing down. We are more susceptible to colds and flu during the Winter season as the cold weather challenges our immune system. It’s a good idea to nourish ourselves, eat well, keep warm and be well rested.
As we continue to notice the transition into Winter over the coming weeks it can be a good idea to embrace the changes in the natural world around us with a few small tweaks to our own behaviours and busy schedules.
Remember To Rug Up
It may seem simple, but keeping warm is key to preventing the flu. Wherever possible try to ensure your body and neck aren’t exposed to the wind or cold, this helps you to not only stay warm but preserve the energy your body would otherwise use to keep you warm.
Enjoy Some Extra Sleep
Most people generally get around 6 to 7 hours sleep a night. However, in Winter the longer nights encourage us to get a little extra sleep. If you can, use this time to catch up on sleep – it’s perfectly natural to sleep for about 8 to 9 hours. Poor sleep, especially in Winter, can affect our energy, mood concentration and stress levels.
Eat Nourishing Foods
When it’s cold and dark outside, we can be tempted to eat unhealthy foods. It’s a good idea to maintain a healthy diet with nourishing foods, fruits and vegetables each day. Warming foods help warm the body, expel cold and increase circulation. Eat more winter vegetables and soups such as carrots, parsnips, pumpkin and turnips.
Keep Exercising
When it’s cold outside, it can be easier to stay indoors and relax rather than exercise. It’s a good idea to continue with your usual exercise routine to help control winter weight and boost your immune system.
Get Some Vitamin D
It can be hard to catch the sun with the shorter days in Winter. However, reduced exposure to sunlight can result in reduced vitamin D which can leave you feeling a bit low or flat.
As always if we can help with an accupuncture session please do get in touch. Acupuncture can be a great support to our health by relieving stuck energy caused by a lack of exercise and the cold weather, as well as strentgthening our defences.
Remember to stay warm, hydrated and nourished.